Easter 2024

March 13, 2024 | PC

Easter 2024

The Egg Hunt is back!

Starting March 13th, collect as many eggs as you can within a set time by mugging bunnies, chickens, and other players in special Easter versions of Financial and Waterfront to earn several new titles and some sweet Joker Tickets!

In addition to that, we’ll have a new login reward granting players the Cracked Egg Title and 100JT!

Find bunnies and chickens walking around the city and mug them to steal their eggs. Bunnies carry 1 egg each, and chickens carry up to 5 eggs.

If you're feeling extra spiteful on this festive day, you can mug other players and steal all their eggs. If that's just too dicey, you can take out players for half of their egg supply.

You may deliver any eggs you are carrying to contacts, which will prevent them from being stolen.

Keep the following in mind:

  • The Easter Egg Hunt is a free-for-all event, with no teams or factions.
  • Each game lasts 20 minutes.
  • After mugging a chicken, bunny, or player, you will receive a speed boost and become invulnerable for a short time. This egg shield allows you to make a quick escape. The shield is indicated by a ring of floating eggs appearing around your character.
  • While invulnerable, you will not be allowed to use any weapons, and the effect will be canceled if you enter a vehicle or activate certain character mods.
  • Other players cannot interfere while you are mugging someone.
  • While you’re carrying the top 20% number of eggs in the district, you will not be able to return to the lobby, so be sure to drop your eggs off at a contact first before heading out.
  • If you have the highest number of eggs, then you will become an Egg Lord! You will be visible to other players on the map, making it easier to hunt down until you drop off your eggs.


Achievement Requirement Reward
I’m All Ears Play the Easter Egg Hunt Event 10 times Title: I’m All Ears
200 Joker Tickets
Flops Out Kill 30 players in the Easter Egg Hunt Event Title: Flops Out
200 Joker Tickets
Stay Yoke Mug 15 players in the Easter Egg Hunt Event Title: Stay Yoke
200 Joker Tickets
The Plot Chickens… Deliver 1000 Eggs to contacts Title: The Plot Chickens…
200 Joker Tickets

New Role: Eggstatic

Rank Eggs Collected Reward
1 100 50 Joker Tickets
2 100 50 Joker Tickets
Title: Egghausted
3 100 50 Joker Tickets
4 100 50 Joker Tickets
Title: Eggnormous
5 100 50 Joker Tickets
6 100 100 Joker Tickets
Title: Eggscuse Me
7 100 100 Joker Tickets
8 100 100 Joker Tickets
Title: Eggcelent
9 100 100 Joker Tickets
10 100 100 Joker Tickets
Title: Eggstatic


Along with our in-game event, we will be bringing back our classic Easter items in two convenient bundle. Check them out!

Chicken Pack IN ARMAS

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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