Engine Upgrade - Beta Stream Announcement

April 11, 2020 | PC

Engine Upgrade - Beta Stream Announcement

Hi everyone,

6 months ago I decided that the community had been kept in the dark too long about the Engine Upgrade. In development all kinds of things can and do happen, and even the best teams run into issues and blockers.

So to help pull back the curtain, I started posting a dev diary of sorts focusing on our weekly progress. If you haven't been following it, you can check it out here: https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11333-tracking-the-engine-upgrade/

This week there is no update - at least not on the engine itself. Instead we are going to try something different with the community.

On Friday, April 17, 2020 at 11am PST we have invited a number of APB streamers to show off the new Beta live. Over the coming week, we'll be posting a list of Twitch channels that will be participating so you can support your favorite.

Each streamer will start with some quick benchmarks on their system from APB 1.20 (Live). Then they will load up the Beta and do another quick series of benchmarks before jumping into a couple Fight Club matches on Asylum with our dev team. Everyone will have codes and goodies to give away, and they will be gathering your questions and comments to give me for later.

After about an hour all of the feeds will hand everyone off to the Little Orbit Twitch channel (https://www.twitch.tv/littleorbit), where I'll do my best to answer your questions and talk a bit more indepth about the upgrade and the upcoming timeline.

This was a bit difficult to manage, because many of these are controversial figures in the community, but I didn't want to get into the politics of approving or denying streamers. The idea behind this is to allow the community to take a good look at the game with your favorite streamer. You can choose to watch any of these, so let's not flame this thread with criticism. This is a big milestone for the game. Let's enjoy it!

Here is the list:

WitchQueen https://twitch.tv/witchqueen
Frosi https://twitch.tv/frosi
Lie https://twitch.tv/liee
Rich https://twitch.tv/cuve
RuschGaming http://twitch.tv/ruschgaming
Kempington https://twitch.tv/kempington
Flaws https://twitch.tv/Flvws
Gordo https://twitch.tv/gordoismyname
CombatMedic02 https://twitch.tv/0utbreakgaming
Exo https://twitch.tv/exoticzlol
Zeal https://twitch.tv/zeal
PoundOfFlesh https://twitch.tv/thepoundofflesh
Shini https://twitch.tv/shini
Jam https://twitch.tv/amsterjam
Ntec https://twitch.tv/ntec
Sadira https://www.twitch.tv/sadira

SKay will be joining Matt Scott on twitch.tv/littleorbit for a Q&A at 12am PDT / 7pm UTC.

Here is a thread on the forums to post your feedback: https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/13646-engine-upgrade-beta-stream-announcement/


Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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