Mid Summer Sale

August 2, 2023 | PC

Mid Summer Sale

We're entering the hottest part of the year with the hottest offers of the month!

From the 3rd to the 10th of August we will hold a special, Mid-Summer sale! Due to its popularity, the Mid-Summer Sale as been extended ! During this period, you will have a chance to make the best out of steamy deals that include items previously not listed on the store and a bundle with a set of unique, limited edition in-game titles perfect for that summertime street vibe.

  • The following items purchasable with Joker Tickets are discounted by 50% for the duration of the sale:
    • Juggernaut/Fanatic Weapons
      • S1-NA Manic Submachine Gun
      • S1-TIC Rabid Light Machine Gun
    • Revelations/Apocalypse Weapons
      • AR-97 Misery
      • R-2 Harbinger
      • H-9 Curse
      • SG-21 Strife
      • S-247 Oblivion
  • The VBR ‘Temptress’ and the Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2 will be purchasable with Joker Tickets for the duration of the sale. There are also 6 hour trials of both weapons available during the sale!
  • The previously-offered-in-2016 FFA 5.56 R&D III will be available on Anne Partridge, the Legendary Joker Store associate for the standard price of other legendary weapons. This weapon will be available through the store until the end of the sale.
  • A special trial offer will be available for the Joker Store Han Coywolf preset cars (Remus and Romulus) and the special Vegas 4x4 "Firebomb" vehicle. You will be able to take these bad boys on a proper test drive around San Paro for 6 hours, completely free! Looking to buy? We are also giving you a 25% purchase discount on these two vehicles for the duration of the event!
  • A special Summer Titles bundle containing 13 unique summer-themed in-game titles. They are freshly made, colorized, and only available during the event week in the ARMAS marketplace.

The Mid-Summer event will be available from the 3rd of August, 7:00 AM UTC, to the 15th of August, 11:30 AM UTC. Note that the deals mentioned are only valid for the event week, so grab them while they're hot!

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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