JMB 23 – The New Corsair

March 11, 2020 | PC

JMB 23 – The New Corsair

Hi everyone, this is Matt, and this month I thought I would take some time to talk about the new JMB, where we plan to go with the JMB system, and our choice to add a new legendary shotgun.

To start, I would like to reassure everyone that these additions did not take away from our Engine Upgrade efforts. Everything we added used systems we already had in place. We are trying to walk the line between providing fun content the community asks for, moving forward on our own goals for updating systems to be fairer and more fun, and not taking away from our push to complete the Engine Upgrade.

Next, I liked the idea of releasing a slug shotgun for our new legendary because this is something we see commonly requested, and it felt thematically aligned with our newly released shotgun balance stats. If you are curious, this is what the Corsair slug shotgun stats look like:

Corsair Stats

You can find lore and a picture of the Corsair in our original announcement.

I do want to acknowledge that I had hoped to significantly alter the JMB system by now. There is a plan in place that I think players will enjoy, but we just haven’t had the time to implement it yet. Having said that, Little Orbit has only released 2 legendaries in the 22 months since we took over, and it feels like we are quite a bit overdue. Even so, I still want to reduce the randomized loot aspect of these boxes.

So, since it’s Joker Madness month, I have decided that in addition to the random rewards, JMB 23 will also give a guaranteed amount of Joker Tickets. That means regardless of whether you get the legendary you’re chasing, you will still earn tickets that can be spent in the Joker Store for other permanent guns. This is a baby step. But since it didn’t involve reworking any other systems, we were able to implement it right away as an experiment.

If you’d like to check it out for yourself, JMB 23 is now available in ARMAS. I hope you enjoy the new legendary shotgun as we continue full steam on the Engine Upgrade.


Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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