Halloween Event Winners

November 17, 2023 | PC

Halloween Event Winners


If you have joined us at any point during the Halloween 2023 event, you are likely, at least, familiar with - and hopefully were participating - in our Halloween Screenshot competition! From the 25th of October to the 8th of November, we held a G1 Forum and social media-focused side-event. We have received a fair amount of very creative event-themed screenshots that we took for a spin around the office to decide which three deserve to be crowned the best of Halloween 2023 and rewarded with one of three valuable G1C prizes:

  • 1st prize - 2000 G1C
  • 2nd prize - 1500 G1C
  • 3rd prize - 1000 G1C

You made our task quite difficult! It wasn’t easy to choose only three out of many awesome shots, but we finally managed to come to an agreement. Without further ado, we present you the winners of the Halloween Screenshot Competition 2023!

1st Place - The Purge of San Paro can begin!
User: TheMessiah Location: G1 Forums

The Purge of San Paro can begin!

2nd Place - Why So Serious?
User: Hyeena Location: G1 Forums

Why so serious?

3rd Place - Which Horsemiss or Horseman are You today?
User: who Location: G1 Forums

The Purge of San Paro can begin!

Unfortunately, we couldn’t reward more of you, so we would like to show off a few honorable mentions that were in the game until the very end. Thank you for your submissions, guys, and make sure to keep an eye out for more similar events in the future!

Waiting, because Pumpkin is a magic head that can kill
User: Helen Black Location: G1 Forums

Waiting, beacuse Pumpkin is a magic head that can kill

Untitled (But it looks like “Mwahaha” to us)
User: iMaverick Location: G1 Forums


User: Khumiko Location: G1 Forums


Gourd hard or gourd home! Congratulations to the winners, and thank you all for making this event spooktastically memorable.

Now, with those fresh shots of G1C on your accounts, you better start planning your shopping list because Black Friday is coming!

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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