Message from Lixil

June 13, 2019 | PC

Message from Lixil

Meet our Team

This month, we continue to introduce you to the folks behind the scenes that make APB shine. Let's get started and say hello to our crew highlights for this month and remember, the next time you are online, be sure to say hi to our awesome team.

Selali - Associate Producer
Selali - Associate Producer
My name is Selali and most of you know me as the one who provides customer support for Little Orbit. I am moving on from being your CSM and transitioning into a role on the APB production team. My love for gaming and anime are what led me to work in the gaming industry. If you want to contact me, I will still be available on the forums and in Discord under the name Selali.
Stichly - Customer Support Manager
Stichly - Customer Support Manager
Hi everyone, I'm Stichly. I am taking over as the new Customer Support Manager from Selali. I come from a background of over 20 years of customer service experience. I have a deep passion for video games and the various gaming communities. I'm a Star Wars fan, as well as Disney and Pixar. I look forward to assisting this community to make sure we are doing everything we can to make the games under the G1 banner the best place to play. Find me on the forums by tagging @Stitchly
SpuzvaBob - Head Moderator
SpuzvaBob - Head Moderator
Hey, I'm SpuzvaBob, or just Spuzva for short. I'm your head moderator on the GamersFrist and Steam forums, guiding our growing team of friendly moderators, as well as moderating myself. I try my best to keep our team friendly and approachable! If you have anything you want to ask or need to know, feel free to send me a PM on the forums!

May Introductions

Lixil - Community Manager
Hi! I'm Lixil! I love games - both video games and tabletop games! I'm the sorta gal that believes that if the world could be made out of glitter, it would be a much better place. To prove this, I have fed our Devs glitter-covered popcorn when I am in the office! When I'm not making the world a more shiny place, you can find me in-game or on the forums every Monday (around 7PM) and Thursday (around 10PM) or reach me at my Discord (Lixil#2686) See ya around!
Ritual - Associate Community Manager
Ritual - Associate Community Manager
Roses are flowers, violets are smaller flowers. I am not. Summon me on our official forums every day at 9AM to 5PM PST... except Monday and Thursday. Those are my knitting days. You may also run into me in APB or Fallen Earth, and you are also free to use my Discord contact ID (Ritual#5891) in case the summoning Ritual fails otherwise.
ComFeyer - SR. GM / Forum Lead
ComFeyer - SR. GM / Forum Lead
Some of you may think I'm multiple people, others are convinced that I'm part of the advanced moderation AI. It doesn't really matter what the truth is, all that matters is that I'm here to help when possible.

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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