Second Open Beta

July 27, 2020 | PC

Second Open Beta

Today, we are happy to announce that we are ready to run a second Open Beta test on Saturday the 1st. Our engineers have been combing through the code, and you should now be able to log in properly.

For those of you who joined us for our first test on June 27th, you know that we uncovered an issue with our login server. Essentially, when we got a large volume of logins importing characters from live, our database ports were being improperly reserved, which prevented many users from being able to get in successfully. This is the exact kind of issue that we can only uncover though large-scale community testing, so we want to thank everyone who joined us once again. We couldn't do this without your help!

Our second Open Beta will run from 11am-2pm Pacific on Saturday, August 1st, with most of the logistical details for this test identical to the first test. It will have two districts available for you to use - Social and Asylum. To join, you will need to download the Beta client here and log in using your existing APB account. Please note that we will continue to update the client as we gear up for this test. If you have a limited connection, you may want to hold off downloading the client until Friday.

The first time you enter, we will copy over your characters from Live so you can try out the build for yourself.

Here are some things to remember when playing the Open Beta:

  • When selecting a district, the client will automatically connect you to the region with the best ping for you. If you want to change your region manually, you can do so by going to the "advanced tab." Players from Jericho and Citadel can mix and match on any server they want.
  • The numbers you use for mouse sensitivity and handling in the Live client will not be the same as what you need to use in the Beta. Because numbers scale differently in the new client, we can't give you a 1:1 conversion for your settings. Please experiment and find what numbers feel best for you.
  • Finally, please remember that this is a Beta! Things will break. In fact, we hope you guys will help us stress the heck out of this build. Every issue you find and report brings us one step closer to the Full release, so please be sure to get us all your feedback on the forums. Below are some instructions on where and how to do that in a constructive manner.


Once you've had a chance to try things out, we'd love to hear from you.

We've made a dedicated section on the forums where you can go to let us know what you think, check out our known issues, and leave any bugs you might find. You can check that out here. Please be sure to leave your feedback in this new section and not in the forum's Social District section. There's a lot of stuff to unpack with the Beta, and we want to make sure we hear from every one of you. Posting in the right place will ensure your voice is heard.

Finally, please remember that these Beta tests are part of the process leading to a Full Release. Participating in these tests and letting us know when things work well and when they don't is a critical step towards a fully updated client. Thank you for your patience on this journey, and we hope you will join us for this latest Open Beta window.

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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