Hitting The Road(Map)

January 20, 2020 | PC

Hitting The Road(Map)

APB IN 2020

It’s the start of a brand-new year, so today we’d like to take a moment and talk about our goals for APB in 2020. One criticism we’ve heard from the community is that you’d like to see our engineers’ talents focused on things like our Engine Upgrade and gameplay improvements. We’ve been listening, and we are happy to announce that all our event builds from January through April are now locked and loaded. That means that, starting now, our engineers can devote their complete focus to bringing you the Engine Upgrade this year. As part of this journey, we will be looking at shotgun balance and a few quality of life changes along the way.


One of the first things we want to do is finish balancing shotguns and bring them back to a fun and healthy place. To do it, we need your help. Please organize with your friends and do some missions in the Prototype District. Your feedback will be critical for not only improving how shotguns play, but also for moving us forward to our next phase, which is to have a prototype version of Asylum up and running for you as soon as we’ve gotten some good data.

To get involved and leave your feedback, please visit our original forum thread here: https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/12671-call-for-shotgun-testing/


As part of this effort, we are looking to get a number of quality of life improvements into the game. The order and timing of these improvements is still dependant on a number of factors, so we don’t want to make specific predictions as to when these will occur, but we wanted to give you a sense of some of the things we have been working on. These include:

  • Modifying the Bounty system to keep you from getting "Heat 5" in missions
  • Removing the Rank restriction on Prototype districts
  • Balance passes on cars and mods plus continued balance on various weapons


Of course, all of the changes listed above are secondary to our efforts to finish the Engine Upgrade. If you haven’t seen it already, our CEO continues to post weekly updates on our Engine Upgrade progress to our forums. He tries to do this every Saturday once development has completed all their tasks for the week. You can see how many issues have been identified and fixed so far, including some screenshots.

If you want to keep track of where we are, you can visit our forums here: https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/11333-tracking-the-engine-upgrade


We also have a new community manager for 2020. Sakebee will be taking over from Lixil as the point person for your community needs. For more details (or if you just want to say hi), stop by the forums and read their full introduction:

https://forums.gamersfirst.com/ https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/12641-community-manager-introduction/

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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