Holiday Event 2020

December 21, 2020 | PC

Holiday Event 2020

Santa hit the nog a little too hard this year and forgot to buy presents! But that's okay, he's passed out on the couch and his wallet's in easy reach. It's time to make off with some free Joker Tickets! Shopping sprees are right up there next to shooting sprees, after all...

Our Holiday event this year brings back Beacon and three ways to get into the Xmas spirit. We will be rotating through three different minigames for you all to enjoy. Play these classics and rank up your roles for some brand new titles and Joker Ticket bounties to bring in the New Year. The fun begins December 23rd and will run until January 13th, so let's see what exactly's in store this season:

Dev Gun Game

We are bringing back the Dev Gun Games from our 10th Anniversary celebration, but this time with an icy twist! Take down enemies with an industrial-strength snowball blaster to rank up the "Star Player" role. Finish a match to level your progress and unlock the following rewards at these milestones:

  • 5 matches = +300JT
  • 10 matches = +300JT
  • 15 matches = +400JT
  • 20 matches = +400JT
  • 30 matches = +500JT and the "Star Player" player title

12 Deaths of Xmas

These classic gun games return with some brand-new bounties. Progress in the gun-game to level up the "12 Deaths of Xmas 2020" role. Reaching the following tiers will unlock new titles and another nip of Santa's cash:

  • Rank 1 = +300JT and the "Sugar Plum" player title
  • Rank 3 = +300JT and the "No Time Like The Present" player title
  • Rank 6 = +400JT and the "Regifter" player title
  • Rank 9 = +400JT and the "Tree Tickler" player title
  • Rank 12 = +500JT and the "Ghost of Xmas Past" player title

Holiday Cheer

Finally third, we are bringing back this nutty classic. You can level up the "That's a Wrap" role by playing the Holiday Cheer event 3 times in one day. This can be done at any time before the day rolls over at midnight UTC. Each level grabs another bite from Santa's cookie jar:

  • Level 1 = +300JT
  • Level 2 = +300JT
  • Level 3 = +400JT
  • Level 4 = +400JT
  • Level 5 = +500JT and the "That's a Wrap" player title

If you need a reminder, the rules for the Holiday Cheer event are simple:

  • Find the pure “Holiday Cheer” snowman in the holiday version of Beacon to become the Nutcracker Prince and start the event (Timer Starts).
  • The Nutcracker Prince must “dose” (kill) other players to convert them to their Nutcracker Army (Nutcracker Soldiers). NOTE: The Nutcracker Prince and Nutcracker Soldiers will see all “non-dosed” players as the Sugar Plum Fairy.
  • Nutcracker Soldiers must also “dose” (kill) other players to recruit them into the Nutcracker Army.
  • Sugar Plum Fairies (Survivors) must avoid being “dosed” (killed) until the time runs out (Timer Ends).

NOTE: Survivors blip on the Nutcracker Army's radar when the bell tolls, signifying that the “Holiday Cheer” Event is coming to an end...keep fighting, running or hiding to survive.

Nutcracker Prince (red outfit)

  • Buffed up health and “Holiday Cheer” gun.
  • Earn points by “dosing” (killing) Sugar Plum Fairies.

Nutcracker Soldiers (green outfit)

  • Able to re-spawn multiple times without penalty.
  • Earn points for killing Sugar Plum Fairies.

Sugar Plum Fairies

  • Earn points for surviving.
  • Earn extra points for killing and thereby becoming the Nutcracker Prince.

Happy Holidays to all! Now get out there and treat yourself to something nice... or naughty. No judgement~

Got any questions? Want to chat with other players? Then discuss this article in our Forums! You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.


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