Damage | |
Damage Per Shot (%) Increases benefit of Marksmanship mode substantially. Increases zoom level by 5 degrees. Decreases accuracy while running substantially. | 41.4% |
Hard Damage Damage per shot to vehicles | 89.01 |
Fire Rate (r/s) Number of rounds fired per second | 2.22 |
Ammo | |
Magazine Capacity Number of rounds per clip | 10 |
Ammo Pool Capacity Number of rounds in reserve | 60 |
Speed | |
Reload Time (s) Reload time in seconds | 2.0 |
Equip Time (s) Time to equip, in seconds | 0.8 (0.92) |
Mobility | |
Walk Speed (cm/s) Walk speed with the weapon equipped, in cm/s. | 139.0 |
Run Speed (cm/s) Run speed with the weapon equipped, in cm/s. | 412.5 |
Sprint Speed (cm/s) Sprint speed with the weapon equipped, in cm/s. | 600.0 |
Crouch Speed (cm/s) Crouch speed with the weapon equipped, in cm/s. | 90.0 |
Accuracy | |
Pellet Spread (cm) The area of shotgun pellet dispersion at 10m | 45 |
Accuracy at 10m (cm) The size of the area where a shot could land, in cm, fired without marksmanship mode at a target 10m away. For shotguns, this is the centerpoint of the pellet dispersion | 12.0 |
Aim Accuracy at 10m (cm) The size of the area where a shot could land, in cm, fired using marksmanship mode at a target 10m away. For shotguns, this is the centerpoint of the pellet dispersion | 3.6 (1.8) |
Effective Range (m) Maximum range of a weapon before damage starts to decrease | 20.0 (27.0) |